A professionally designed interior layout brings your vision one step closer toward your very own book. Your Word document is now being shaped into an aesthetic that will match and convey the essence of your literal creation.
After designing an eye-catching cover for your book, we’ll help you create an equally compelling interior layout. Our dedicated team is mindful of your book’s genre and cover and how they can all be harmoniously designed.
Formatting the interior layout includes working with the following:
➢ Paper type
➢ Font type
➢ Placement of page numbers
➢ Headers and footers
➢ Styling of chapter openers
After we design the layout, we’ll send you the concept. This is the time to make any suggests or design revisions.* Once the layout is finalized, you’re one step closer to printing your book!
- After this initial round of design changes, additional rounds may cost an additional fee.