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Calculating eBook Royalties

All Things eBook

Book royalties refers to the percentage the author or illustrator receives out of the proceeds from the sale of each copy of the book.

With the sale of eBooks, the author doesn’t incur printing costs. Thus, eBooks may yield greater royalties than print books (pBooks).

Online retailers, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or iBooks, set their own royalty rates for eBooks. In general, authors receive the following percentage:

Retail Price ($) Amazon* Barnes & Noble iBooks
.99–2.98 35% 40% 70%
2.99–9.99 70% 65% 70%
10–200 35% 40% 70%

 *Delivery costs and the country/territory of purchase affect your royalties.

For example, if your eBook’s retail price is $3.99, your royalties will be $2.79 (70% of $3.99) for each eBook sold on both Amazon and iBooks. Your royalties will be $2.59 (65% of $3.99) for each eBook sold on Barnes & Noble.

Retail Price Amazon Royalties* Barnes & Noble Royalties iBooks


$3.99 $2.79 $2.59 $2.79

*Delivery costs and the country/territory of purchase affect your royalties.